Personal opinion
I can says that this is a strategy of our lovely government (BN, Barang Naik).
Step 1: Introduce the lousy quality RON95 to public, show up some Menteri Besar (or others Politicians) on the newspaper with their Mercedes was also filling with RON95, they wan to show how good was ROM95, but actually it is very bad quality. The fuel price on RON95 was 1.75 and 1.90 for RON 97 on that time (correct me if i m wrong)
Step 2: Increase the price of RON97 rapidly with the reason of RICH people who are able to buy RON97 should not get so much of subsidiaries. (But the quality of RON95 was just too sucks, i still choose to pump in RON97, between I am not rich person who are specific by the government, i just want my car to have a longer life. )